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About Our School

St John's CE First School logo featuring a blonde-haired, white-skinned child and a black-haired, black-skinned child sitting together under a large green tree, symbolising diversity, unity, and learning.

Welcome to St John’s First School website. Our school is a very special place with strong Christian Values. We provide a caring and nurturing environment for children to learn and explore, becoming independent young people, prepared for their future adventures. We also believe in having fun and making the learning real. Fundamental to achieving this goal is the belief that education is a partnership between home, school and the Church.

One parent’s comment was typical of those who responded to the Ofsted parent view: 

"St John’s First School is an amazing school where staff are exceptional. They go above and beyond for the children in all aspects of learning and wellbeing.
Ofsted 2022

I hope you find the website useful, and it answers some of your questions. However, if you would like to know more then please do not hesitate to visit our school and find out more.

Yours sincerely,

Emma Challiner
Head teacher